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Date : 2004-11-04
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Tuning Timbre Spectrum Scale ~ Tuning Timbre Spectrum Scale focuses primarily on sensory consonance and dissonance Related Spectra and Scales The relationship between spectra and tunings is made precise using dissonance curves
Tuning Timbre Spectrum Scale 9781852337971 Medicine ~ Tuning Timbre Spectrum Scale focuses on perceptions of consonance and dissonance which are defined in the Harvard Dictionary of Music Consonance is used to describe the agreeable effect produced by certain intervals as against the disagreeable effect produced others
Tuning Timbre Spectrum Scale William A Sethares ~ Tuning Timbre Spectrum Scale focuses on perceptions ofconsonance and dissonance and how these are dependent on timbre This alsorelates to musical scale certain timbres sound more consonant in some scalesthan others Sensory consonance and the ability to measure it have importantimplications for the
Tuning Timbre Spectrum Scale R5 ~ Tuning Timbre Spectrum Scale begins by explaining the relevant terms from the psychoacoustic literature For instance the perception of “timbre” is closely related to but also distinct from the physical notion of the spectrum of a sound
Tuning Timbre Spectrum Scale by William A Sethares ~ Each note consists of three partials If the sequence is played ascending then the rst virtual pitch tends to be perceived whereas if played descending the second lower virtual pitch tends to be heard Only one virtual pitch is audible at a time This can be heard in sound examples S 6 and S 7
Tuning Timbre Spectrum Scale SpringerLink ~ Tuning Timbre Spectrum Scale focuses on perceptions ofconsonance and dissonance and how these are dependent on timbre This alsorelates to musical scale certain timbres sound more consonant in some scalesthan others
PDF Tuning Timbre Spectrum Scale ResearchGate ~ Tuning Timbre Spectrum Scale A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title abstract and list of authors clicks on a figure or views or downloads the fulltext
Tuning Timbre Spectrum Scale William A Sethares ~ Only one virtual pitch is audible at a time This can be heard in sound examples S 6 and S 7 Note First Second Third Virtual Pitch Virtual Pitch partial partial partial ascending descending 1 600 800 1000 200 0 158 9 2 620 820 1020 205 2 163 0 3 640 840 1040 210 4 167 1 4 660 860 1060 215 6 171
Project MUSE Tuning Timbre Spectrum Scale review ~ The case put forward in Tuning Timbre Spectrum Scale is that ones sense of musical consonance or dissonance does not depend on set intervals but on aligning tuning with the spectrum and timbre of the sound Further Mr Sethares argues that once this relationship is understood composers can make consonant music using alternate tunings other than twelvetone equal temperament 12tet
Sound Examples University of Wisconsin–Madison ~ Tuning Timbre Spectrum Scale The book Tuning Timbre Spectrum Scale includes a set of sound examples on CD The contents of the CD are briefly described here and there are links to tracks that are available for download in mp3 format
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